Friday, November 30, 2007

We Did It!

I am so exicted (which can explain why I am up at 2:30 am)!

I was 90% sure last night, when I used a dollar tree test, but I did not use FMU or really even hold it that long..... but there was a line.

I told Frances right when she got home....we were so shocked and happy and excited--all rolled up into one.

It is so hard to believe that we are pregnant.

So to update. I finally got everything "on track" with our new RE. We met him this past summer and had done a trial of Clomid to make sure I would respond. My previous RE said that, due to my bloodwork up, it showed that I would not respond well to Clomid and we should move right to injectibles. Dummy us...we didn't know any better. And those money sucking folks (ok another time) took us....

So this new doctor, after the Clomid test, said everything looks good, lets move forward. That is when I had the few set backs in making the dates work out with vacation and work. So after a 28 day period or so....I called them because I was worried. He said it was because I stopped the Clomid and encouraged us to start again. A progesterone shot and two days later we were on day 1.

The cycle was normal and we triggered on monday November 10th, with our IUI scheduled for Wednesday, November 12th at noon.

The IUI went very well. I was in the middle about my feelings afterwards. I was really hoping for a positive, but then again...we have had 6 negatives--I didn't have the best out look. I took the TWW really well. Just pausing every once in a whle to think, "I hope I am pregnant", but it was non-symptomatic. Then this week on day 10/11, I began having achy crampy feeling. Just a general blah feeling, almost like I was going to get the flu, but it was consentrated in my mid back down, and middle front. Not exactly period cramps, but achy.

That continued off and on and on Wednesday--Day 14, when I woke up and got out of bed, I had this rush of "period type cramps". I went to the restroom and then back to bed. The cramps subsided, but my mind got to thinking. I told DP, I felt as though my whole uterine lining detached and was going to gush out in one fail swoop. I was sad and thought AF was coming. I actually took the day off of work for a mental health day and so did DP.

Well, about a half hour I tried to get up again...same thing. Rush of cramps, subsiding with laying down. Bizarre, but I quickly realized laying down felt good.

I slept in and when I woke again. more cramps. I was still sad, but feeling a bit guilty for taking the day off work.

Well, signs of AF, but mild cramping/achy off and on all day. Thurday the same. Something was just different.

I hadn't tested yet, but I was supersticious. I thought, if I didn't test, then I wouldn't know I was "negative" and my body wouldn't start AF. So I played a game, if I wait...then AF will wait.

But she didn't show up!!!! YEah. I tested last night with a Dollar Store brand and then this morning with the very clear, easy to read EPT test--it said "PREGNANT".

Now I just have to figure out what is next...probably a blood test!!!
So here we go!!!! More to follow.......

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Horrible Blogger!


I keep saying I am going to write more...... I guess its because life is just "life". Nothing really exciting to blog.
I did re-read my last entry..... and our last go around was negative. Not exactly sure what went on with my first week symptoms. They were crazy!

We haven't tried since. I had a training class that took me to Northern California and then we went on vacation to Kauai. So this month is our first try--- with Clomid and the new doctor. Things seems pretty lined up.... my cycles are more normal (due to Clomid). So I believe this monday or tuesday we should have another IUI.

Fingers crossed---they are always crossed!

I still try to check out Babycenter and so many gals from our original group are pregnant or have children! I am behind. I realized today it has been 14months since we were really "trying". Now that my thyroid is within the "normal" range and my cycles are better....I feel more optamistic.

Our life is good otherwise! The dogs are great. We are actually going to the park this morning to work off a little bit of energy! The puppy is now 8 months and about 70-75lbs! He's a big boy, but thinks he is a lap dog! Crazy.
I will have to add current photos.....

Til next time!

Monday, August 20, 2007


So, I will cut to the chase. On 08/13/07 and 08/14/07, my DP and I tried our hand at babymaking! It has been about a year since we took a break.

We started back up in May/June with a new doctor, new meds (Clomid), Thyroid levels in the correct range, my DP was more onboard this round and generally a new attitude.

After our practice round of Clomid with the doctor, things looked fine. We were going to do our first "real" round in July/August, but due to a training class out of town, I was not able to make the ultrasound appointments. I had already taken the Clomid for the month, so we said what the f- lets give it a try.

We ordered up some ICI samples and waited for a postive surge on the OPKS'. Well, last sunday night, we go our first "light surge" Monday morning, a more definate surge! On Monday night, we did our first imsemination. It was a little awkward, but 10,000 times better than the doctors office. Tuesday night was much better. It went much smoother and my body was acting more like I was "ovulating". I had ovulation cramps and more CM.

I had the Big-O after each insemination and remained on my back for most of the night. It was a great experience.

Well now fast forward a week. I know I am not a newbie, but I will tell you that I have been scouring the internet looking for "early pregnancy" symptoms. Since this time around, I am not using progesterone, I feel like the symptoms I am experiencing are pretty legit. Either that, or I am crazy.

So, I have had sore nipple, nausea (today-all day), and more frequent urination (3times more than normal). I usually only go once or twice (at the most) durin the day. I have been going atleast 7-8times. Its crazy.

So fingers crossed. I hope these aren't just symptoms I have made up in my head. I will feel like a LOSER!

Sunday, August 19, 2007


Its been a while since I have updated! Did I let everyone know I am such a HORRIBLE JOURNALER. Uggh.
Oh well, Life has been crazy busy (of course).

Our puppy has been keeping us very busy. I have forgotten how much energy those pups have. We go the park 2-3 times a week, so he can run, run, run. Then we walk everymorning before work (not my favorite!--I would rather sleep). and then its play time-all the time. But he is soooo cute. And he is such a good dog. I couldn't have asked for abetter puppy. Especially after hearing all of the the lab "horror" stories. His only destructive habit is tearing out the grass (just little patches) and bringing us the plants we have growing. Our front yard looks bare, but it could be worse.

My DP broke her ankle about 1 month ago. We had gone camping in the mountains and as we were packing up to leave, she twisted in a little rain gulley. Her ankle flopped side to side and twisted causing a crack. So she tore her tendons and cracked her ankle. She has the worst luck!! So almost 3 weeks of crutches (non-weight baring) and now she can walk around.
Having her up and around is sooooo much better. She is a horrible patient!!!

Ok. I am going to end this now. I have to run to the park. I will try and get back on to journal our first ICI!!!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Clomid and Life

I have so much to catch up on. I don't know where to start. Life is always a great place to start.

Our puppy, is becoming a "dog". He is now 17 weeks old. He is doing great! So far, he has been the best puppy. He only have 2/3 accidents in the house and is relatively potty trained. He is the only dog, I have had, that LOVES a schedule. 0500hrs, he is up and ready for a walk or breakfast, a nap in mid afternoon and then at 830pm, he is ready for "lap time"(chewy while sitting on one of his mommie's laps). Its hilarious. He will actually "knock" at the front door about 8:30 to remind us its time for his chewy. Funny!
He is has been really good. I have always heard "horror" stories about the labs and their path of destruction, but he has not been that way. He is very even tempered. Almost shy. He is definately a "people" dog and loves to be touching one of us. He is underfoot during dishwashing, folding clothes---all the time, underfoot.

We took him camping last weekend and he did great. Hence, the photo above. Now, that is how the Pomeranian always "does" camping. When we arrive, before we put up the pop-up trailer, we get out his chair and he "kicks" it until we are done. He even loves to sit next to the campfire like that.....Its hilarious. We always have people swinging by looking at him.....
So when we got to the campsite.....the Pomeranian (Toby), get in his chair and life is good. The Lab, Gus, is stuggling with the cable to secure him to our site. He is getting stuck around the picnic table and just not having a good time. Well, the next day, all is fine and he is getting the hang of camping. Well, he looks over at Toby and I guess, decides that he wants to sit in Toby's chair. He goes over and tries to push him out. Well, that is TOBY's chair and he won't budge. A little arguement starts and my DP says, He get Gus a chair..... we brought him over a chair and that was it....High living. I was out a chair the rest of the weekend...HMP! What we do for our "furry children".
We love him very you can tell. I could write on and on about my dogs (but I won't-unless someone asks!!!). I just love them to pieces. They have such great personalities!
So the dogs are good.
My DP graduated with her B.S. in May. I am very proud of her. For the last 2.5 yrs, she went to classes at night or online and obtained her B.S., with honors (the middle one magna cum laude??--Im not the smart one). Oh yeah, and she did it while working full time. It was awesome. I think she will take a break and then go back for her masters. Probably about the same time I am ready for my masters. I am going back in the fall for a second Bachelors or just a few classes to get me ready for the Masters. I haven't decided yet. Either way, the classes I am taking can be applied to my second Bachelors or to the masters program. It has been 12yrs since I graduated from college, I need a little intro before I just jump in again. Plus back then, I was drunk most of the time...... I don't remember much (hehehe).
Our 18 y.o son, was moved out of the house. He was having issues with our rules and he felt as a 18 y/o man, he didn't have to do what we said. Well the rule is, if you don't like our rules, then get your own place and make your own rules. I don't think he believed us when we yaked in his ear and he tuned us out......
He is doing well though. I think he has found an appreciation for our rules and wishes he followed them...... Life lessons. But all is good. He is working, learning to be indepedent and learning what life offers. Its good for him and its good for us. No more fighting.
Hmm....I am writing a novel....I knew I should have kept up on my journal. Lastly, is our TTC journey.
We went to see a new doctor at the end of May. This RE was referred to me by my endocrinologist, who said-- he will let you know if he believes you can get pregnant. He will not just keep trying to make money. That was a plus since that is all my other doctor did.
SO now my thyroid is at the appropriate levels. We have a new RE and he wants to try Clomid out on me. For some reason the other doctor skipped Clomid. So he is going to try it.
I have since taken my 5 pills (CD3-8) and tomorrow I go in for an ultrasound. Fingers crossed. We will see how the Clomid worked for me.
HE also wants us to try a new Sperm Bank--California Cryo. So we have been working on a "new donor". Fun. We should have it narrowed down soon and then get all the info we need. We should hurry month will be our first insemenation (or so I believe).
Even though we have alot of positive changes occuring, I cannot help but re-live the emotional rollercoaster we were on before. I already became emotional talking to DP about it....but she reassured me that we have alot more positives this time around---the one big thing was my thyroid. Last time, the levels were too high to get pregnant.
And I keep dreaming about a little girl...... This may be my biggest sign yet.
One night, my DP and I were watching TV. I heard the name, "Samantha" and asked her if she liked it. She said yes and that is it....I liked it and she liked it. We didn't speak about it any more. Well, about 3 days later, while at the store wtih my mom, we ran across some onesis. My mom picked up the little outfit and said this would be perfect for "Sam". I asked her if she meant "sam" as a boys name or "Sam" as a girls name? She said, Samantha-Girl. I took that as a sign!!!
We will see....

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Its Raining

I just put on a pot of coffee, its raining and I bought a cinnamon roll from the crafts festival yesterday (specifically to have this morning). When the coffee's done, I am going to grab the paper and enjoy my morning. I love lazy Sunday mornings like this and I love when it rains. It doesn't do it much here in the beautiful Central Valley of California, so I have to take advantage of it when it comes around.

I had such a busy week at work, and I have been trying to train for a 100 mile bike ride (that is not going that well). Plus, I am in the middle of the promotional exams at work.....I just feel like I am being pulled so many different ways and I am not giving anything my undivided attention.
That became evident yesterday, when I we out riding with the "team" yesterday for a ride into the foothills. I have not ridden in a week or so.....BAD IDEA. I got my ass kicked. And as I was riding back....I realized that I have not dedicated myself as I need to....and I am not sure if I am going to be able to finish the 100 mile ride. It was very hard for me to realize that I may have to do a lesser ride. I don't want to quit because I have given it so much time and I would be really disappointed in myself (more than I am now). The ride is May 19th.....I need to decide soon.
A little background on the ride. I signed up to do a 100 mile about 3yrs ago. I wanted to ride to push myself and go for this accomplishment, but two days after the "first ride" of that season, I was diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel. I did not get carpal tunnel from this ride. I knew I was having problems, but I thought it was a pinched nerve in my shoulder or something. Not Carpal tunnel. We needless to say, I had to quit that team.....
I had surgery and I thought I was better (at least better ENOUGH). Well, I have struggled. I still have problems, but I try and work though it.
When this new team started up for ride here in town, I jumped all over it. But it seemed like the minute I signed up for the bike riding team, my life when into warp speed. And I have been running ragged ever since.

SO I have to say "when" some time..... I think it will be on the ride. I will make it a metric 100 (which is about 60 miles). Still an accomplishment......

Ok, so enough of that......
We made our appointment with the new Fertility specialist on May 29th. Im sure this is a consultation appointment to review my records from the past doctor (blah!) and then move forward with our new plan.

Since going to the last fertility specialist, I have lost 35lbs, got more active, went to a Thyroid Specialist and got that completely leveled off and we picked out a new set of donors. So hopefully this combination will work better.

I really think our first go around, we didn't get pregnant due to my thyroid being out of wack.
We will see. We are very very excited again.
Yesterday, at the craft fair....all of the babies. It was great! We can't wait to have one of our own.

Well, I have rambled enough...... my coffee is done (im going to miss that part!!).

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Post #2

I didn't realize navagating through this website would be hard. Im am learning though. I still need to figure out how to add my d/p on this far its just me!!! I will also have to add more photo's.

Other than doing this, I have been incredibly lazy this weekend. I should be studying for my promotional exam which is coming up in the next few weeks, but I can't get motivated. I have been going through promotional process for about 3 months now. It is very draining.

But I do have good news!!! We are having our latest "addition" join us on Tuesday (or so we think). He is a yellow lab puppy. His name is Gus. We are very very excited. He is going to fit in nicely with the family.

I am concerned though, he is only 6 weeks old. We are getting him from a reputable I don't know why they want him to leave so early. It seems as though this whole litter is going to homes early. So we will see. D/P is going to call and find out what is going on.....

We are very excited!!! I will post pictures once we get him. I am also going to add pictures of our other "children".